Thursday 26 November 2015

In Response to Muhammad Maroof Shah's"Implementing Islam in the Secular States"

The conflicts and contrasts between Islamic and Western political thought stems from their Philosophical, Methodological, and Theoretical background rather than mere institutional and historical differences.The questions of how and through which processes these alternative conceptions of the world affect political ideas via a set of axiological presuppositions are the "crux" to be deliberated.

The very "world views" dichotomize on Ontological differentiation & Ontological proximity. Epistemologico-Axiological Foundations & Cosmologico-Ontological Foundations.As Such,
juxtaposing "God smothered Materialism " on "Islamic Politico Paradigm": TAWHEED, is farce & theoretically flawed.

Co-Existential culture with intellectual engagement & invitation by establishing just societies, had been the epitome of Islamic civilization.Be it State of Medina,Rein of Rightly guided Caliphs or even Muslim Spain before it was hijacked as the rationale for the acts of "most savage rulers". Accepting the status quo of judiciously interspersed "Heterogeneity/Pluralism" is contradictory & at loggerheads with the essence of Tawheed.It's like why i can't "submit & not submit" at the same time.Cutting across "mere line's on maps" & "materialistic class dilution" drawn upon the psychological forces of hate,suspicion,& resentment which tends to impoverish the soul of man and closes up his hidden spiritual source of energy.

The two divergent streams[Western Bourgeois Liberalism & Marxism] of today have their roots vested in Greek humanism.Both boast of their humanism.But both in theory & in practice, are rooted in human materialism.Both took man as economic animal.Both,Voltaire and Marx closed their eyes to the spiritual dimensions of human essence.On writing to Engels,after studying the work's of Darwin,Marx accepted the laters view,as the biological basis for his philosophical work.No matter how "Evolutionary reformation" has Marxism gone over the year's,it's vested in something which contradicts the very philosophical basis of Islam.

The world wouldn't consider Democracy for its political ruling system for the 1700 hundred year's after the demise of world's first experiment with Democracy,with the succumbing of Roman Republic to dictatorship,and fall of Ancient Athens to dictators,& then foreign power's ruled by Roman Empire. It was not until the age which produced the birth of a new worldview in European thought, called anachronistically, ‘The Enlightenment’, that Democracy would be resurrected. This new and radical world view had many incarnations & names, but is called today ‘Secular Liberalism’, or ‘Liberalism’.

It's this "Secular Liberalism"which after brutal colonial adventure dropped "Little Boy" & "Fat Man" on Japan,just to reduce War in-order to install "Neo-Imperialistic institutions" under the fake veneer of euphemistic Democratic patronage.Who can deny the lethal WTO negotiations where even "Climate Change" is used to sell technologies to "Developing nations"The land which blessed world with "Democracy"-Greece, collapsed just few months ago under the mammoth piled debt trap.Thanks to Democratic Institution-IMF.Today,revolutions are sparked just to install Democracy & open nations for "Neo-Liberal Economic agenda".USSR [Communism] has collapsed,China is almost assimilated & Castro's Cuba finally succumbed to sanctions.World today craves for a system based on cooperation not competition.

Marx felt human liberation depends upon the denial of God,and Nietzsche boasted,"God is Dead", Hobbes & John Locke,"Locked God in Oblivion" and Decade's ago Allama Iqbal proclaimed, "Today,more than else,humanity needs Spiritual interpretation of Cosmos". We may add,"it needs Spiritual interpretation of humanity as well".

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